Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)


European Funding

Horizon Europe ERC European Research Council Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Doctoral Networks & Post-doctoral Fellowships Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Staff Exchanges & COFUND Horizon Europe Research Infrastructure Horizon Europe strengthening the ERA Horizon Europe 2d & 3d pillars & widening participation DG JUST DG Life ERA-NET & JPI co-funded by FWO & Belspo UCPM Erasmus+


National Funding

Regional Funding

Joint PhD agreements with VUB
  • RESEARCH Department - Research Policy, Admin & Legal
  • Contact: Hilde Willems
EUTOPIA joint fundamental research with VUB (EUN)
  • Vice-Rector for Research
  • Contact: Secretariaat
  • Application restricted to VUB intranet
EUTOPIA joint applied research with VUB (EUN)

Institutional Funding

VUB Research Council
